If you aren’t part of Swagbucks, now is the best time to sign-up! For a limited time only use the code “SummerSocial” when signing up and you get an extra 70 Swag Bucks! This will let you start with 100 Swag Bucks instead of just the normal 30. (70 bonus and 30 normal = 100 Swag Bucks). This code is good for NEW MEMBERS ONLY and can be used until Thursday, June 28th at 5pm PDT.
Learn More about Swagbucks or sign up to start earning free prizes!
For those of you who frequent Swagbucks already you might have noticed Swagbucks have updated the daily polls section. There is a new way to vote, and you can easily comment and look at past polls. The article on Swag Central should be updated soon with new screen shots.
For now,
Jacob for Swag Central.