Mini-Swidget 2.0
You may want to test the Mini-Swidget 2.0 as due to styling or JavaScript conflicts it may not display properly.
Once Widgetbox closed down I decided to create a a non-flash widget that would be more mobile friendly. It was also a good chance to practice learning Javascript and CSS. While the Mini-Swidget 2.0 is similar to the original Mini-Swidget, it is missing the code alert due to technical issues on Swagbucks end*.
The Mini-Swidget 2.0 will allow your site users to easily search and win using It can also tell your visitors more about Swagbucks and creates a referral link for you. (However it will once in a while randomly use my referral link.)
To post the widget on your site, copy the code below. It will create a box roughly 160px wide by 300px tall that contains the Mini-Swidget 2.0. To create your referral link, change “jpatton” in the code below to your username.
<!--Begin Mini-Swidget 2.0 code-->
<div class="MiniSwidgetBox" style="float: right; margin: 0px 5px 5px 35px; width: 160px; height: 300px;">
<script> var swagID = "jpatton";</script>
<script src="">
<div class="MiniSwidget" ><script src=""></script>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
<!---End Mini-Swidget 2.0 code-->
* I am unable to import the XML file in JavaScript that Swagbucks creates as it is not a valid/ well formatted XML file (Flash isn’t as picky). Since the information about Swagcodes and prizes comes from this file, it means I cannot include this function in the Mini-Swidget 2.0. at this time (or at least until Swagbucks fixes this error.)
Original Mini-Swidget (Retired)
Please see the update section below if your Mini-Swidget is not loading.
Also, since many browsers are moving away from Flash, I have decided to retire the Flash version of the Mini-Swidget and no longer actively update it.
When the official Swidget came out some people thought that it was too wide to fit nicely on the side of their blog. Well, I decided to put my skills to use and created the Mini-Swidget!
The Mini-Swidget does almost everything that the official Swidget does. You can search using Swagbucks directly from the Mini-Swidget. When you click the prize tab on the Mini-Swidget it shows off some of the prizes that people can get from swagbucks. Most importantly though if you put in your username when installing the Mini-Swidget (from widgetbox) it creates referral link for you if someone signs up!
I know that many people also use the Swidget to find out if there is a Swag Code out. Well, the Mini-Swidget also does this, except it’s built in (No clicking buttons!). It automatically checks to see if there is an active Swag Code when the page is loaded and then shows “code alert” at the top if there is a code! Move your mouse over it the top and it will tell you about the code. Visit the Swag Code Guide page to see what it would look like if there is an active Swag Code!
Click here to install the Mini-Swidget from widgetbox.
Mini-Swidget Update
As of the end of March 2014 Widgetbox is closed. This means the Mini-Swidget, Swidget and other widgets hosted through them no longer work. To post the Mini-Swidget on your site please copy and paste the code below. If it still does not appear, it is possible that Flash is no longer supported by your browser.
If you want to create a custom referral link simply replace “jpatton” with your Swagbucks user name. (However about a quarter of the time it will use the default referral link to help gain a few referrals from hosting the files.)
<!--Begin Mini-Swidget Code-->
<object style="float: middle;" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="162" height="307" align="middle">
<param name="menu" value="false" />
<param name="quality" value="autohigh" />
<param name="flashvars" value="swagID=jpatton" />
<param name="movie" value="" />
<!--End Mini-Swidget Code-->