My Swagbucks Story
Being part of Swagbucks has been very rewarding experience for me! (over $3,500 in gift cards.) It has helped pay for college supplies, outdoor gear, Lego sets, and more. It’s been well worth the small amount of time I’ve put into using Swagbucks to be rewarded for free!
I actually started off using a Search and Win site (something that used to be called powered by Swagbucks) for a band I liked near the end of 2007. I used it on and off for a while hoping to earn enough points to get the Macbook etched with the cover art of their newest album. (Sadly, I never got enough points for the Relient K Macbook)
About mid 2008 I decided to use Swagbucks instead of the other site because the prizes were cheaper. Then I found out how much I had been missing out on. Swagbucks had a very active community and encouraged users to search and participate in the community (that didn’t happen on the other site). November rolled around and Swagbucks had a contest to see who could create the best widget promoting Swagbucks. Since I had recently started promoting Swagbucks, I decided to use my newly acquired flash animation skills and give it a shot. Surprisingly, I ended up being selected as the winner.
Since then I’ve made two other widgets, and made several different version of a website about Swagbucks. I enjoy promoting and helping other people learn about Swagbucks. It’s helped me save money, and I figure other people like saving money as well. My website is also a way to practice my web development skills. School, undergraduate and masters, and family has taken up a lot of my free time over the past few years, so I haven’t been as active with Swagbucks as I would like.
Overall I’ve earned over 379,000 Swag Bucks over the past few years, which I’ve traded out for over $3,500 in free gift cards (as well as a few other prizes). Swagbucks is a great way to earn free prizes just for fun, or to help subsidize you daily life. For me, it’s been a way to have a little bit of play money, while keeping up with all the expenses that come with life. You should sign up, and start wining now, as well!
If you want to see proof that Swagbucks works (and that my story is real) check out my proof videos and pictures