Other Retired Swagbuck Widgets
Please note, since many browsers are moving away from Flash, I have decided to retire the Flash versions of the Swagbuck Widgets below and no longer actively updating them.
Below are the other Swagbucks widgets that I have created for sharing Swagbucks! Feel free to post them on your website or blog! The Swag Buck Counter can be customized to use your referral link!
If you have created a Swagbucks widget and would like me to post it, or if you have a good idea for another Swagbuck Widget feel free to contact me.
Swag Buck Counter
One of my widgets is the Swag Buck counter. Place it on your website or blog and show people how many Swag Bucks you have. On top of that it creates a referral link for people to sign up! For both features to work it requires that you know your swagbuck ID (number).
Click here to install the Swag Buck Counter from Widgetbox.
The First Widget
Before the Swidget there was a contest on the Swagbucks blog to make a Swagbucks related widget. I had been playing around with flash animation so I decided to give it a shot. Well, it turned out that Swagbucks liked my widget and I won! This is the widget I submitted.
Originally the widget was a great way to introduce people to Swagbucks.com. It created an easy way for people to use the Swagbucks search engine and a way to show off different swagbuck prizes! (It may not look fancy, but I wasn’t worried about graphics when i first made it.). I haven’t updated it with the new logo or color scheme.
If you want to install it, click here to install it from widgetbox.
The Almost Widget
After I made my first Swagbucks Widget, Swagbucks contacted me and asked if I would like to help make an official widget for Swagbucks. I was excited considering that I had not been using Flash very long and I was only 18 or so at the time. I put a lot of work into it, and created an almost functioning Widget (it’s hard to do everything over email and learn about flash at the same time). There were parts that I couldn’t quite figure out how to make work with the time, knowledge and resources that I had. Flash and web design was a hobby I had recently started. In the end, they hired a professional to make the Swidget, but I was happy to be part of Swagbucks history and team Swagbucks for a short time. The picture to the left is what the widget i made looked like.